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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Weigh in #4

I certainly am quite perplexed on how I managed to lose this week. I am also just quite upset with myself. Not for not losing more weight but because I haven't been to the gym once.  I love working out.  I hate getting motivated enough to actually go but I love when I get there. I love sweating.  Now, I have to start all over.  I have to go through getting sore and tired.  I know better.  I love setting goals and meeting them.  I love being able to go faster, improving my mile, doing something new but when you take over a week off you get to go back to nearly square one. Honestly, I think the only reason I managed to lose ANY is the enormous amount of stress I have been under.  All I will say is having teenagers is very stressful along with this economy.

On another note. I DID hit my mini goal of 10 pounds this week. Actually went a little past it.  I lost 2.2 pounds this week for a total of 11.4 pounds in 4 weeks.  So it looks like I get to dye my hair. LOL, No gray hair for Easter. :)  I haven't really noticed a difference so far which is kind of depressing.

My goal this week is to make it to the gym at LEAST 4 days and work out for 5 hours total. At 20 pounds I plan to start adding weight training.  Maybe sooner. Not sure.

My favorite food this week is def. cottage cheese. 2%

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